About Living Room

This online course offers a transformative journey for practitioners of DEI and anti-oppression-centred work. This work is deeply vulnerable and often places us in positions of vulnerability; we are called to advocate for the transformation of oppressive systems, the inclusion of historically marginalized peoples and our own self-worth within a capitalist system that has long benefited from our devaluation. 

Through a series of engaging lessons, participants explore key topics such as discovering personal purpose, challenging oppressive systems, navigating capitalism, and advocating for change. They learn to navigate challenges, provide constructive feedback, and nurture their own well-being. 

The course emphasizes the importance of collective impact, workplace activism, and sustaining commitment for long-term resilience. Each lesson focuses on critical concepts, practical strategies, and personal reflection to empower individuals in their pursuit of systemic change. 

The course fosters a safe and inclusive learning environment, encouraging vulnerability and community-building. By the end, participants gain a deeper understanding of their purpose, acquire essential skills, and cultivate resilience for sustained engagement in anti-oppressive practices.

Learning objectives

  • Discovering your purpose in anti-oppressive work

  • Challenging limitations of the DEI industry and navigating institutional spaces while challenging oppressive systems

  • Understanding the intersections of capitalism and anti-oppressive work and critically examining personal relationship with capitalism

  • Setting boundaries and preventing burnout; Prioritizing self-care and well-being in anti-oppressive work

  • Cultivating emotional resilience and self-reflection

  • Fostering collaboration and learning from fellow practitioners; advancing meaningful change through collective impact

  • Effective advocacy strategies within institutions and communities

Hosted by Cicely Belle Blain

CEO of Bakau Consulting

Cicely Belle Blain is a writer, activist, and thought leader, driving powerful conversations and strategizing for change. Cicely Belle is noted for founding Black Lives Matter Vancouver and subsequently being listed as one of Vancouver's 50 most powerful people by Vancouver Magazine twice, BC Business's 30 under 30, and one of Refinery29's Powerhouses of 2020. Cicely Belle founded Bakau Consulting Inc. in 2018 and has grown the company to serve 1000’s of clients worldwide - their public speaking, equity consulting and literary prowess has impacted people in Canada, the USA, the UK, South Korea, Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Ecuador, Senegal, South Africa, Eswatini and many more. Some of their most notable professional achievements include speaking at the United Nations Summit in Quito, Ecuador, developing an Intersectionality Toolkit for the City of Vancouver and presenting the keynote address for the 2020 graduating ceremony at the University of British Columbia, their alma mater. Cicely Belle is also an instructor in Executive Leadership at Simon Fraser University, the Editorial Director of Ripple of Change Magazine and the author of Burning Sugar (Arsenal Pulp Press and VS Books, 2020). They are also a board member with the Tegan and Sara Foundation. Burning Sugar was shortlisted for the 2021 Pat Lowther Memorial Award, and longlisted for the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award. Their debut book also garnered them spots at some of Canada's top literary festivals including Vancouver Writer's Festival, Word of the Street Toronto, FOLD and features in CBC Books, Autostraddle, Indigo and Essence Mag.


Want to join the Living Room cohort community?

The next cohorts are July 2023 and January 2024. The cohort is a great addition to the online course.

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